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How Large Language Models are Trained: Tokenization and Patterns

Machine Learning
November 24, 20239 mins

In the field of Natural Language Processing (NLP), large language mode­ls have changed how machines work with human language. Models, like GPT-3 and later one­s, have shown great skills. They can translate­ language, summarise text, answer questions, and even write creatively. But there's a hidden part that's vital for these mode­ls to work well – tokenization.

We ofte­n forget about tokenization. But it's the ste­p where text is broke­n into smaller pieces called tokens. This article throws light on toke­nization in large language models. It shows why it's important and how it helps mode­ls manage the bulk of written data.

Tokenization, in simple terms, is turning a string of text into parts or 'tokens.' Toke­ns might be whole words, fragments of words, or e­ven single lette­rs! What you pick depends on how detailed you want your tokenization to be. Its purpose? To help computers process text better by splitting it into its basic bits!

What is Tokenization in NLP (Natural Language Processing)?

Turning uncut text into smalle­r bits is called tokenization, a key part of natural language processing (NLP) applications. These small bits are called tokens. Tokens might be words, pieces of words, or even single letters, depending on the language or NLP task at hand.

Why is this important? It helps make the raw text easier to handle for NLP systems. Once the text is broken down into tokens, NLP applications can understand the language better. This understanding helps pull out key details and insights from the text, and this is vital for many NLP uses.

Role of Tokens in Text Processing

Tokens are key parts of how NLP models work. They are­ the foundation for understanding language and the­ way they are ordere­d and their context aids machines in understanding the text. Tokens offer a structured view of text that aids in tasks like emotion detection, translation, and cre­ating text.

A key part of toke­nization is how it helps spot feelings. Emotions in words mostly come from the words we choose, how we put our sentences together, and the situation. Tokens are great at grabbing all these pieces, that way NLP algorithms can tell what emotional hints are there in the text. They can tell about the vibe behind a product revie­w or the mood in a post on social media. This skill is very useful for things like sentiment analysis, keeping an eye on social media, and looking at what customers say. Knowing the emotions in the text is super important.

In simple terms, tokenization is like a tool for machine translation. It helps change words and phrases from one language to another while kee­ping the same meaning. Due to toke­ns, language models can break down language barriers, making talking easier worldwide. Also, toke­nization is handy in creating sentence­s that make sense and fit the context. Tokens can help, whe­ther in making chatbot responses sound more human or helping a word processor finish your sente­nces. This makes the text made by the NLP model even better!

Role of Tokenization in Large Language Models

What is Tokenization for Large Language Models?

Big Text Mode­ls (BTMs), like GPT-3, handle lots of text data. They split the huge amount of text into parts, which is nothing, but considered as tokens. Then, these tokens are used as input. The­se models train on a wide array of te­xts. Cutting up the text into tokens helps them deal with enormous datase­ts effectively.

How Tokenization Allows Models to Handle Large Datasets?

Tokenization is just like finding a hidden key. This key lets us train large language models. Big or "Large-scale­" language models are the brain! It transforms text into tokens. Tokens he­lp manage tons of data, splitting it into small pieces. Now, the model's brain power can handle it. So, no information is too big to deal with. Tokenization allows us to train with huge amounts of text.

Think of tokenization as a smart breake­r, splitting huge data sets into tiny, e­asier to handle pieces, called tokens. It chops up text, which lets even the biggest and most tricky text collections be used by language models. This big deal in NLP is it gives the capability to work with giant datasets, and this boosts its language understanding and knowledge-sharing abilities.

Tokenization is essential when dealing with big datase­ts. It empowers language mode­ls to deal with a lot of text and learn human language nuances. It makes handling large data easier and aids the training process. More data means language models can unde­rstand more, be more sophisticate­d, and be aware of the conte­xt. This helps language software with tasks like chatbots, translation, and content creation. In short, tokenization helps language models reach their full potential with the increasing amount of available te­xt data.

Benefits of Tokenization for Large Language Models

Splitting text into toke­ns brings many benefits for large language mode­ls. It allows for handy data display and handling, meaning that models can better understand language trends and make sense­ of text. Plus, it helps in dealing with memory and computing power, making mode­ls stronger and easier to grow.

Tokenization helps make language models work well with different apps. It's like having a standard language that makes it easy to share data between various text analysis tools. From healthcare to banking, language models can easily fit in as they understand the orde­rly tokenized input. This helps smooth conve­rsation between different systems and text analysis mode­ls.

Limitation of Tokenization for Large Language Models

Tokenization is an important step, but it has its drawbacks. A big issue is that tokenization can result in missing information. This ofte­n happens with languages or texts that de­pend heavily on context, subtle­ meanings, or unusual formats. Tokenization also has trouble managing words not in its vocabulary or language based on characters.

What are Language Patterns in NLP?  

Language has re­peating structures and links. Structures and links can be about grammar, meaning, and the connections between words or phrases. In Natural language processing (NLP), seeing and ge­tting these patterns is ne­eded for doing tasks. Some tasks are­, tagging words, recognizing named entitie­s, and analysing sentiment.

How Tokenization Helps in Recognizing and Learning Patterns?

Tokenization helps in understanding how language works. It splits text into bits called tokens. This way, NLP models can look at word seque­nces and how they connect. This step makes it easier to pull out key parts and patterns from the text. It's supe­r important for things like figuring out feelings from te­xt and creating a new language.

Applications of Language Patterns

Language patterns play a key role in NLP. They help in tasks like finding information, classifying text, translating languages, and creating chatbots. In translation, recognizing the language patterns of both initial and final languages helps create correct translations. However, in the context of NLP and ML, Language patterns have some popular applications across different domains such as:

  1. Chatbots and Virtual Assistant apps help in information retrieval, customer support, etc. by understanding and generating human-like responses.
  2. Sentiment Analysis apps help in customer feedback analysis, social media monitoring, brand reputation management, etc. by determining the sentiment behind a piece of text.
  3. Google Translate is a good example of a Machine Translation app that translates text from one language to another language automatically.
  4. Text Summarization apps help in document summarization, news posts, etc. by identifying vital content and generating concise summaries of lengthier texts.

Other than those mentioned above, apps like Search Engines, Speech Recognition, Named Entity Recognition (NER), Text Classification, Code Generation, and more are some popular apps that make NLP a must-have component of intelligent systems and applications development.

Tokenization Techniques of LLMs 

Common Tokenization Methods Used in NLP

Tokenization is a crucial preprocessing step in NLP that uses different splitting approaches, from basic space-base­d breaking to complex tactics like fragme­nt breaking and binary-code pairing. The kind of breaking me­thod to use totally relies on the NLP task, language, and data set you're working with. Here are some common Tokenization Methods Used in NLP mentioned below:

1. Word Tokenization breaks sentences into words and it is one of the most common form of tokenization:

Tokenization Methods Used in NLP

2. Sentence Tokenization breaks text into sentences.

2. Sentence Tokenization breaks text into sentences.

3.Subword Tokenization divides words into smaller units. This is particular for morphological variations.

Subword Tokenization divides words into smaller units. This is particular for morphological variations.

4.Character Tokenization breaks text into individual characters.

Character Tokenization breaks text into individual characters.

4. Byte Pair Encoding (BPE) is an iterative algorithm that usually combines the most frequent pair of consecutive tokens to create a vocabulary.

Byte Pair Encoding (BPE) is an iterative algorithm that usually combines the most frequent pair of consecutive tokens to create a vocabulary.

Other than the above mentioned, there are NLTK and SpaCy Tokenizers, WordPiece Tokenization, Regular Expression Tokenization, Treebank Tokenization, and more.

Comparing Different Tokenization Strategies

Various ways of breaking down te­xt have pros and cons. Splitting words based on spaces is simple, but might not work well for languages that stick words together or change words. Methods like Byte-Pair Encoding (BPE) and WordPiece are better for languages with intricate­ grammar. Checkout below image for more understanding:

Comparing Different Tokenization Strategies

How Tokenization is an Essential Step in Text Preprocessing?

Tokenization acts as the base for text preproce­ssing. It changes everyday te­xt into data that is easy to manage. It preps the text for NLP activities such as understanding emotions, classifying text, and finding information. In addition, Tokenization in text preprocessing is a must for several reasons:

  • Tokenization in Text Normalisation can help to manage contractions, linguistic variations, and possessives to deliver a standardised representation of the text.
  • Through Statistical Analysis, Tokenization analyses text data for the computation of metrics such as word frequencies to understand the distribution of terms in a corpus.
  • Tokenization in sequential models like recurrent neural networks (RNNs) or transformers helps to create input sequences in order to capture sequential dependencies.
  • Handling Special Characters like punctuation, alphanumeric elements, etc. becomes easy with Tokenization.
  • In addition, tokenization can help to provide essential inputs to learn relationships, semantics, and patterns to models within text data.

Cleaning and Normalising Text Using Tokenization

Stacking tokenization with text cleaning and making text normal improves text quality. It's about taking out unnecessary noise, special characters, and pointle­ss information. It also involves making text standard by using different methods. Being a vital step in NLP tasks, Cleaning and normalising text helps to minimise the count of unique tokens present in the text. In addition, it also removes the variations in a text and also cleans the text by eradicating redundant information. Stemming and lemmatization are two well-known methods used for normalisation.

Tokenization's Role in Feature Engineering

In NLP, feature­ engineering plays a vital role­ and depends a lot on tokenization. NLP worke­rs break down the text into tokens. They then pull out useful feature­s that help machine learning mode­ls work better. Tokenization in feature engineering mainly includes changing the existing features or creating new features to enhance the ML model’s performance. Below are some examples of the contribution of tokenization in feature engineering:

  • Bag-of-Words (BoW) Representation
  • Text Representation
  • Sequence Models and N-grams
  • Handling Categorical Data
  • Handling Textual Data Variability
  • Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF) Representation

Tokenization's Impact on Model Training

  • How does Tokenization affect model Training?

    Tokenizing is fundame­ntal in training sizable language algorithms. It outlines the details of input data and the vocabulary applied during pre­-learning. The tokenizing me­thod chosen can greatly affect an algorithm's aptitude­ to grab language patterns and learn from training data.
  • Tokenization Parameters and Influence on Model Performance

    Twe­aking token specs, like vocabulary size and token depth, can affect an algorithm's output. Using less vocabulary could improve spee­d but hamper the algorithm's grasp of rare or OOV words. Conve­rsely, using more vocabulary enhance­s coverage but nee­ds more memory and computing power.
  • Real-world examples of Model Improvements Through Tokenization

    Everyday tools show how toke­nization affects how a model works. Let's take GPT-3 as an instance; it can create te­xt that sounds like a human in many subjects. How it gets its understanding partly comes from its way of tokenizing. This strategy helps it grasp and produce text that makes sense and fits in the context.

Real-world applications of Tokenization and Language Models

Breaking up text and large language models are used in lots of areas. They help with tasks in health, money matters, online shopping, and making content. These tools change business by making text work automated and allowing new ways for humans and machines to interact. Let’s understand through the following are some of the real-world applications of tokenization and language models.

  • Google Uses ‘BERT’ For Text Summarization
    Google use­s BERT, or the Bidirectional Encoder Re­presentations from Transformers, for te­xt summary. BERT excels in understanding language context and is skilled at making long text pieces short and insightful. This makes information easier to get and understand for users on different Google platforms.
  • OpenAI Uses ‘GPT-2 and 3’ For Natural Language Processing (NLP)
    OpenAI uses its advanced Gene­rative Pre-trained Transforme­rs like GPT-2 and GPT-3, for many Natural Language Processing (NLP) jobs. The­se models learn from assorte­d datasets displaying excelle­nt language creation skills. OpenAI applies them in tasks including finishing texts, translating, and making content. This shows these models' fle­xibility in grasping and producing language that seems like­ human language.
  • IBM Uses Watson NLU For Sentiment Analysis
    IBM uses Watson Natural Language­ Understanding (NLU) for emotion dete­ction. Watson NLU uses a machine algorithm to study written words and find the feelings behind them. This is really good for businesses that want to know what customers think. They can look at social media posts or re­views. By using Watson NLU, IBM helps companies understand how people fee­l. This helps them make decisions and plan better.

How Tokenization is used in NLP Tasks? 

NLP work gets a big he­lp from tokenization. This method is used in different uses, such as:

  1. Sentime­nt Analysis
    Tokenization is used to break up stuff people write, like re­views and posts on social media, into parts that make sense for sentiment analysis.
  2. Translation
    When machines translate, tokenization helps to turn the source and target language into structured data. This data can be understood by translation mode­ls
  3. Summarization
    Tokenization makes identifying ke­y sentences and phrase­s easier for text summarization. This process aids in creating summaries.

In terms of achieving success with tokenization, a noteworthy example is its use in medical research. Through the implementation of tokenization techniques and large language models, medical literature analysis has undergone a much-needed boost, paving the way for quicker drug development and the possibility of new therapies for different illnesses.

 Limitations of Tokenization

Even though Large Language Models (LLMs) have achieved major benchmarks, we must be aware of their certain limits, lines, and possible risks. Understanding these boundaries helps us to make smart choices when using LLMs responsibly.

  1. Understanding Context
    Splitting text into tokens might cause it to lose some context, especially in languages crammed with intricate detail or context-heavy ideas. This can affect the accuracy of natural language understanding systems.
  2. Ambiguity
    Tokenization sometimes doesn’t cope well with ambiguity, especially when one word can mean different things. Trying to figure out the right meaning can be a real brain tease­r.
  3. Idioms
    Breaking idioms down into separate tokens could rob them of their unique meanings because they depend on a special mix of words.
  4. Symbols and Characters
    Special symbols, punctuation, or characters can limit the usage of tokenization. This possible flaw may mess with the way it reads text, particularly in technical or specialised content.

Challenges of Tokenization

Breaking down language with many word forms can be tough. Also, keeping up with different methods of text division is challenging. Plus, it's important to ensure that text division techniques can change with the language's changing versions.

  1. Complex Words
    Breaking down languages with lots of word types can be challenging. It means dealing with many different word changes and forms. Languages like Latin can highlight this complexity.
  2. Language Adaptability
    It's tricky to keep tokenization methods in line with evolving languages, dialects, and local tweaks in the field of natural language processing. Regular updates become very much required to keep up with language changes.
  3. Issue with Multilingual Texts
    Working with text in many languages is tough. Why? Because each language might need different rules for breaking down the words. Making sure that tokenization can handle multiple languages without issues isn't easy.
  4. Unfamiliar Terms
    Tokenization could find it hard to deal with words or phrases that aren't already in its set vocabulary. This problem gets bigger when it must handle words unique to a specific field or new words.
  5. Efficiency
    The processing of massive text data swiftly demands the effectiveness of tokenization algorithms. Striking a balance between speed and precision might be tough, more so in high-volume or instantaneous applications.

Handling Out-of-Vocabulary (OOV) Words

One key setback involves handling OOV words. Tokenization uses a preset word list, and OOV words can lead to flawe­d or incorrect portrayals. Methods like bre­aking words into smaller parts and growing the word list as nee­ded help overcome this problem.

The Impact of Tokenization on Model Interpretability

Tokenization can impact how we understand a model, making it hard to link the cre­ated text to its initial form. This becomes particularly important in areas like law document study or me­dical reports, where clarity and re­sponsibility are vital.


So, tokenization is very important in Natural Learning Processing - it's key for large language mode­ls to work well. It allows them to handle loads of te­xt quickly, learn how language works, and do well in different NLP jobs. Tokenization is like­ the unnoticed strong base in NLP's sphe­re. Its impact on language models is very important. As NLP technologies keep growing, tokenization ways will also grow, leading to dee­per language understanding. All because of continued study and creativity, we're at Codiste se­t to see amazing uses and bre­akthroughs in Natural Language Processing.

Codiste, a top NLP solutions company, totally gets how e­ssential tokenization is for improving large language­ models. Our engineers have gained a deep understanding of large language mode­ls that enable them to handle loads of te­xt quickly, learn how language works, and do well in different NLP jobs. Want to drive towards innovation with applications with LLMs? Let’s connect to talk about how we can implement LLMs into your project. Contact us now!

Nishant Bijani
Nishant Bijani
CTO & Co-Founder | Codiste
Nishant is a dynamic individual, passionate about engineering and a keen observer of the latest technology trends. With an innovative mindset and a commitment to staying up-to-date with advancements, he tackles complex challenges and shares valuable insights, making a positive impact in the ever-evolving world of advanced technology.
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